Friday, August 31, 2012

After being away, all that kneading makes me feel special.

For most of August, we were in Michigan, New York, then we went back to Phoenix, AZ for a bit, then we drove down to Tucson, AZ. Now we're back! 

I'm somewhere in this crowd :) I have a few more photos here.


  1. Adorable! I really love your comics. They tell it like it is! You truly are a cat owner ;)

  2. Awww! I want a sofa full of kittens to come home to!

  3. I am so sorry that you were here in Phoenix and didn't have the privilege of meeting my 2 excellent cats, Mama Lucy, and Baby Winkers. All 3 of us love your cartoons. You are so funny, and you really understand cats, and their owners.

  4. Oh, I wish you could have visited the Hermitage while you were in Tucson! Thank you so much for nominating us to get your prize from Halo!

  5. Aw, that's sweet! Our kitties usually snub us for a day or so to tell us how mad they were that we left. Sometimes there are poops in corners. But then, finally, the cuddling commences!

  6. I'm so happy to hear you got the proper welcome from your kittehs! I thought only my cats did the kneading thing, wasn'st sure what it meant. I was hoping it meant the loved me. :) Glad you are back! I want you to know that each of your drawings make my day. They really do. So if you ever wonder if you are touching people's hearts, you are. You have touched mine. I was a teacher for 12 years and was in an accident and now I'm disabled. I have six cats that get me through each day. I get lots of rude comments from the world about my love for my cats but they don't understand. You understand, I can tell from your lovely drawings. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the world. You are beautiful inside and out. Much love, Jennifer Fitz

  7. I live in the UK but we were in Phoenix and Tucson in August. Wish I had known you where there! Our two cats were safe in the cattery whilst we were away but I missed them so much. A neighbour's cat would visit us in our holiday rental and that eased the pain a little! I think she knew :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You mean you don't get the silent treatment? My BFF's biggest kitteh ignores her pointedly whenever she gets back from a trip - until it's Dreamies time that is - and then it's all purrs and kneadings and "Momma I missed you don't ever go again"

    1. Haha! My cats do that too. Well, one does. She comes over just far enough that I can't reach her, looks at me, turns witha swish of the head and walks away. She then comes back when I'm in bed to knead and give me kisses everywhere.

      Yes, my one cat loves giving and receiving kisses.

  10. I wish that was the response I get. We tend to get home and are lucky if we get a leg rub before ahe ia out the door to play in the yard. Lol

  11. Sounds like a nice trip. But how could you possibly survive without those kneads, purrs, and mews??? Welcome home!

  12. That is the only good thing about being away from them-the welcome home!

  13. your blog e absolutely amazing.

    big warmth from brazil. ;)

  14. Hey Yasmine! :)

    I just started drawing about a week ago. Not about cats though - i still don't know what to draw about and are still developing my style. Few days ago i released my very first comic strip. Yay!

    I wanted and want to make comics like yours, so you were my inspiration and i started with a style similar to yours (which already is much different now)! So thanks for your great comics and for being an inspiration! Have been following you for 2 Months now. :3


  15. So cute to be well received by your babies!

  16. I love that type of welcome after a long day away from home. Your blog is wonderful.

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